Products & Services

Hands on Writing: How to Master Academic Writing in the Sciences (promo)

A 6-week online course based on a step-by-step approach to help you learn, improve, and master your academic writing skills. The course is ideally suited for anyone who is writing a PhD thesis, a dissertation, or a research paper.

99.00 GBP

Hands on Writing: How to Master Academic Writing (in the Sciences)

A 6-week online course based on a step-by-step approach to help you learn, improve, and master your academic writing skills. The course is ideally suited for anyone who is writing a PhD thesis, a dissertation, or a research paper.

Learn more here.

199.00 GBP

Courage, Risks and Rewards Program

In this program, you will explore 5 key areas that will help you find the courage to take new risks and reap great rewards. You will examine the concept of risk and break it down into specific, manageable steps. And you will look at risk from different perspectives and explore how the rewards for taking chances far outweigh the costs. This training will open new doors to exciting opportunities!

97.00 GBP

6-Month Mentoring Package

Ideal for anyone working on a long-term project and willing to dive deep into the mentoring relationship for long-lasting benefits. Package includes: 12 live sessions; call strategy tool; post-session recap; session recording; access to me in between calls; Private Portal to post homework and request review; access to additional resources; 30-day money back guarantee.

Learn more here

1075.00 GBP

3-Month Mentoring Package

Ideal for anyone new to mentoring who wishes to benefit from added support over a short-term project. Package includes: 6 live sessions; call strategy tool; post-session recap; session recording; access to me in between calls; Private Portal to post homework and request review; access to additional resources; 30-day money back guarantee

Learn more here

567.00 GBP

VIP Project

Ideal for anyone working on a very specific project that requires laser-focus attention. Price depends on project and duration (typical fee is £120/hour, min 2 hours).

Learn more here.

120.00 GBP

Time-Management and Productivity Mindset Bootcamp (self-study)

A 7-week focus-driven program for busy researchers.

Learn more here.

97.00 GBP

Research Publishing Masterclass Plus

A self-paced course for anyone who has ever struggled to write and publish a research paper. With the Plus option, you will be able to schedule two 30-min milestones calls with me any time you like throughtout the course.

Learn more here.

249.00 GBP

Research Publishing Masterclass

A self-paced course for anyone who has ever struggled to write and publish a research paper. Learn more here.

149.00 GBP